Celiac disease is a serious genetic autoimmune disease triggered by gluten. a protein in wheat,...
New research suggests that cardiovascular exercise not only slows the decline in brain function...
Loss of muscle can often be a problem as we age. Eating enough protein may help prevent muscle...
The breathing and relaxation practices of yoga may help to reduce the symptoms of depression,...
Consuming certain dairy products with vitamin D may protect aging bones. A new study found...
Getting enough zinc may help protect the elderly from serious infections. New research...
Drinking a daily cup of tea, green or black, may reduce the risk of dementia among older adults...
Regular exercise and a healthier diet may allow type-2 diabetes patients on blood-sugar-lowering...
Regular screenings help protect against colon cancer. The American Cancer Society
Data on 350,000 adults revealed that we are getting less sleep than we did 20-30 years
ago and...