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Dr Kathy says:

An Oklahoma Legend

rubbing elbows Jan 27, 2018

Kathy and OU kicker, Uwe von Schamann at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon.




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Owasso CofC Annual Luncheon

rubbing elbows Jan 27, 2018

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Dr. Kathy Campbell, Owasso Chamber of Commerce 2018 Chairman, addressing the Annual...
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Stability Ball Benefits

If you sit for long periods throughout the day, you may want to consider replacing your
chair with...

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Protect Your Skin

Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer. Experts say experiencing 5 or more

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Reduce Brain Shrinkage

Evidence is accumulating that confirms that eating a Mediterranean diet may help slow brain

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Choking Hazard

Experts caution parents of small children not to let them eat whole grapes because they
pose a...

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Symptoms of UTI in Older Adults

It may be difficult to figure out an elderly person has a urinary tract infection (UTI)

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A Laughing Matter

Studies have revealed that laughter has beneficial effects on cardiovascular health, immunity

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