Always good to visit with Sen. James Lankford. Working to make sure you have access to a...
Avoid outdoor activity in the early morning, when pollen counts are highest. The best time...
So excited about this week. It began this weekend with a trip to Southwestern Oklahoma State...
Small pouches (diverticula) along the walls of the colon sometimes become inflamed or...
Experts say that if you slow down the pace at which you eat, you will consume fewer
calories. This...
So glad to be a part of THIS event!
A British study suggests that doing a crossword puzzle every day may help keep your
brain sharp....
What a crazy ride!! I am the first speaker today at 1pm. So excited.
Vitamin D is essential to keeping bones strong and may even play a role in staving off depression...
Consuming more lentils and other legumes such as peas and beans may help lower the
risk of type 2...